Genetic Testing

Genetic Testing

Remarkable strides were made in the twentieth century in understanding the basis of heredity and in deciphering how the genes, the units of heredity, function. Chaired by Professor Marcus Pembrey, and attended by a group of leading experts in the field at the time, this Witness Seminar discussed the development of genetic testing to identify chromosomal and gene variations associated with health problems. The seminar also examined the contributions of research by UK laboratories that provided keys to the development of genetic medicine and use of genetic testing in clinical practice. Participants discussed specific areas of research such as cytogenetics, linkage analysis and DNA testing, biochemical genetics, prenatal screening and testing, preimplantation diagnosis, and immunogenetics and blood groups.

Introduction by Professor Peter Harper, 149pp, 2 figures, biographical notes, glossary and index.

Christie D A, Tansey E M. (eds) (2003) Genetic testing, Wellcome Witnesses to Twentieth Century Medicine, vol. 17. London: Wellcome Trust Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL.
ISBN 978 085484 0946
